Azerbaijan, NATO discuss military cooperation issues

Azerbaijan, NATO discuss military cooperation issues

Azerbaijani First Deputy Defence Minister and Chief of the General Staff of the Azerbaijani Army, Colonel General Karim Valiyev, met with Major General Stefan Fix, the Deputy Chief of Staff at the NATO Allied Joint Force Command headquartered in Brunssum, who is visiting Azerbaijan on July 2.

Valiyev warmly welcomed Fix, expressing satisfaction with his presence in Azerbaijan and emphasizing the current strong level of relations with NATO, the Azerbaijani Defence Ministry told .

Both sides affirmed that Azerbaijan and NATO will maintain mutually beneficial cooperation, with ongoing productive meetings planned in the future.

Valiyev highlighted NATO's substantial role in training Azerbaijani Army units under the NATO Operational Capabilities Concept. Fix expressed satisfaction with his visit to Azerbaijan and underscored the significance of advancing relations with the country.

The effective participation of Azerbaijani military personnel in peacekeeping missions and other collaborative efforts with NATO was positively acknowledged. The meeting also included a comprehensive discussion on various topics of mutual interest.

Relations between NATO and Azerbaijan have evolved significantly since Azerbaijan gained independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Initially, Azerbaijan pursued a non-aligned foreign policy, but it gradually developed closer ties with NATO over the years.

Overall, NATO-Azerbaijan relations reflect a cooperative partnership aimed at enhancing security in the Euro-Atlantic area and addressing shared challenges in the broader region.
