Terrorist attack in Dagestan: the head of the district arrested

Terrorist attack in Dagestan: the head of the district arrested

The court of Dagestan arrested Magomed Omarov, the head of Sergokalinsky district, whose relatives participated in the terrorist act, for 10 days.

Axar.az reports that Zarema Mamayeva, the head of the press service of the Supreme Court of Dagestan, informed about this.

"The Leninsky District Court of Makhachkala city found Magomed Omarov guilty of committing the administrative crime provided for in Article 20.1, Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, and sentenced him to 10 days of administrative imprisonment," it was said.

According to him, the decision can be appealed to the higher instance in accordance with the law.

It should be noted that Omarov's two sons, as well as his nephew, were neutralized during the terrorist attacks in the cities of Makhachkala and Darband of Dagestan. Umarov himself wrote a resignation letter before being detained.

Source: en.axar.az